Features Overview



During my journey, I was helped by many wonderful people and one of my favorite organizations that really guided me was WeSpark, in Sherman Oaks, CA. They have a young adult support group, support for children and spouses of patients, various services from massage, Reiki; all free to patients.


In my program, I insert an information sheet on breast and ovarian cancer, given to me from Sharsheret. There is a lot of incorrect info out there and Sharsheret’s info is up to date, informative, and based on science, not myth, which drew my attention to it. It’s detailed and informative. You can go to their website and read all about ovarian and breast cancers. Below is their mission statement.

Mission Statement

Sharsheret, a national non-profit organization, improves the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer through personalized support and saves lives through educational outreach.

While our expertise is in young women and Jewish families as related to breast cancer and ovarian cancer, Sharsheret programs serve all women and men.


Best, most informative website on all cancers. There are 15 types of breast cancer, alone. Put in your type of cancer and it will give you the most up to date guideline of treatment. The site is a bit clunky, but be patient. Take your time. It’s the best alternative to googling and trolling the internet. It kept me sane!